MK Summer Fitness 2021 competition

The guild’s Kesäkuntoon-challenges are back! In the MK Kesäkuntoon 2021 guild members can compete against each other independently and between year class by completing daily challenges and by practicing other sports. The new challenges will be published every monday morning. Points are collected by submitting the daily activities in the form below. Note that for one day you can only fill in one form! Please submit all your achievements of the week by Sunday 10 PM. Achievements submitted later that the deadline will not count in the competition! The challenges will go on for five weeks from 5.4.2021 until 9.5.2021.

You are able to follow the scores from here. Results will be updated every Monday starting from week 2.

Instructions for filling in the form:

– Fill in your name and which class you would like to represent
– Choose the date
– Select whether you did complete the daily challenge and which level challenge was completed (Level 1 = 10 points, Level 2 = 15 points)
– Next you can fill in other sports activities that you have practised during the day
– Choose the level of the sport activity: Level 1 = Light activity or body maintenance (for example walking, nordic walking, light jogging or yoga/streching), Level 2 = Harder exercise (for example running, circuit training, stair workouts)
– For the last part write down the total time of the activity in minutes


You can collect points from the daily challenges and other independent activities done during the day as stated below:
Daily challenge: Level 1 = 10 points, Level 2 = 15 points
Other activities: time (minutes) * level (1 or 2) / 10 (for example 30 minutes of level 2 activity = 6 points)
Note that you can only fill in one activity per day. You are able to fill in another exercise for another day.


In the MK Kesäkuntoon, participants who have gained over 300 points will get a badge for the overalls. On top of this it is possible to challenge other other classes together with your own class! The winning class will be rewarded!! The participant with the most points will get the challenge cup and there are also prizes sponsored by YIT waiting for the first five participants.

Challenges week 5:

Monday the 3rd of May
Level 1) Do a fulbody training in outdoor gym that contains 4 moves (3×10 reps) tips in the video
Level 2) Outdoor training according to video. 7 moves, 4×10 reps

Tuesday the 4th of May
1) Do a warm up and run 12x1min with 1min walk between
2) Run 6x5min with 5min walk between

Wednesday the 5th of May
1) “rotary plank” 20x to both direction
2) “rotary plank” 30x to both direction

Thursday the 6th of May
1) Roll your back 20 times both lying down and standing
2) Train hand stand with 10 reps of both execise in the video

Friday the 7th of May
1) Push ups 50 times during the day
2) Bring Sally up challenge

Saturday the 8th of May
1) Active stretching 25min (video)
2) Walk or cycle 60min + active stretching 25min (video)

Sunday the 9th of May
1) Run 30min
2) Run 60min

The form

    Year level *

    Did you do the daily challenge? *

    Other forms of sport done during the day?

    The level of other forms of sport *