MK Summer Fitness 2020 competition

At MK Summer Fitness 2020 competition mittaris compete against each other both independently and between classes by completing daily sports challenges and exercising in general. New sports challenges are always published weekly for the coming week. By filling the form below you can record the performances that will earn you points. NOTE! You can only make one form per day.

Examples for exercise load:
1. (very light): calm walking, dog walking, stretching
2. (developing): brisk walking, light cycling, gymnastic exercising
3. (moderate): light running, hiking in the woods, basketball throwing
4. (exhausting): speedy running, body weight gym, rowing, rope jumping
5. (starving): Cooper’s test at full speed, maximum power output

Points are awarded for daily sport challenge and other physical exercises as follows:
Sport challenge: 10 points
Other exercise: time (in minutes) * physical exercise divided by 10 (e.g. 30 minutes of moderate exercise yields 9 points)


Week 19 (4.5.-10.5.) challenges:
Mon 4.5. Weekly toilet paper excercise: Do this excercise (Video)
Tue 5.5. Do moving plank (second move in the video) for 7 minutes with socks (Video)
Wed 6.5. Complete the shoe challenge (Video)
Thu 7.5. Do 10 minutes of Bird Dog move (Video)
Fri 8.5. Walk/run/cycle for at least 45 min
Sat 9.5. Bring Sally Up V (Video)
Sun 10.4.  Post during the week one picture or video of you exercising or copleting these to social media  (preferably instagram story). Use #MKLiikkuu and remember to tag @maanmittarikilta

Week 20 (11.5.-17.5.) challeges: Gain double points!
Mon 11.5. Weekly toiletpaper challenge (Video)
Tue 12.5. Plank 10 minutes (Video)
Wed 13.5. Wallsit for 10 minutes (Video)
Thu 14.5. Do 100 dead bug moves (Video)
Fri 15.5. Run or walk 200 stairs upwards
Sat 16.5. Bring Sally Up pushupchallenge (Video)
Sun 17.4.  Do 50 inch worm -moves (Video)

    Vuosikurssi / Year level *

    Suorititko päivän haasteen? / Did you do the daily challenge? *